Thank you to @GRFDT12 for the opportunity to participate in today's COVID-19 and Migration III panel as part of the ongoing Migration, Diasporas and Sustainable Development: Perspectives, Policies, Opportunities and Challenges conference! The conference is jointly organised by Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism, Migrant Forum in Asia (@mf_asia), and Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte (@cisan_unam). https://www.grfdt.comThe paper we presented, "Black Diasporas in the United Kingdom: COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, and the International Decade for People of African Descent," covers our ongoing research on Black populations in the UK within the contexts of #IDPAD and #BLM. This paper provides an overview of the specific racialised disparities around COVID-19 and the real and potential impacts to communities like Peckham, London now and in the future.#peckhamrights #everydayhumanrights #youarearightsholder #grfdt #covid19#covid19data #blackdiaspora #bame #bameover #sdgs #sdg10 #standup4humanrights#unitednations